
2024 06 16 - Surprise at Hampton

Out of nowhere, a great forecast for Hampton for Sunday afternoon.  Met James and Garry.  About half the time on the nugget, half on the twin tip, sometimes overpowered and sometimes just enough.  Wonderful to get out - charged the batteries.  Did smash into the nugget though on one trick and banged the top of my thigh pretty bad. 

2024 05 19 - Aspendale - nugget and twintip

 Got a go on both today.  Very overcast day and kinda cold (9 degrees) so took a bit of extra motivation to get to the beach.  James was sick, Stu riding motorbikes, Taz airport run so landed at Aspendale solo.  Wind was a bit on the lighter side and not cold enough yet to really push through so had a great first hour on the nugget.  It cranked up a little so jumped on the twin tip and had a great time relearning a bunch of rotational tricks and kiteloops.

2024 04 25 - Aspendale with James - winter is coming

 a teeny bit cold in the water.  Fun westerly, you could go for ages in both directions.

2024 03 03 - Tazpendale ripping up some waves

 With James and Taz, great swell, perfect wind, big air and secondary lift.

17/02/2024 - Hampton the best wind in Australia

 Headed back to Hampton after a surf at the right hander at Cat Bay/Flynns.  Was just enough on the twin tip but roaring on the nugget so nugget action ahoy.

16/02/2024 - San Remo session #2

 Stu arrived to join James and I.  Wind had moderated a tiny bit but still enough to do several crossings to Phillip Island and back.