08 Jan 2012 - Hampton surf

Location : Hampton
Kite : 10m Switchblade
Wind: 25-30 knot south westerly

Big wind hit hampton with a change and kicked up the best bay surf I've seen at Hampton.  Decent waves were rolling in.  Everyone is back from holidays though so it was busy - and with the wave factor - it suddenly seemed really crowded.  Some folks are on tacks, some are trying to get waves, and idiots kept pulling off tricks and almost landing on me.  I went downwind to the second groyne - until that got busy - then headed down to green point.  Green point was great - the surf wasn't breaking on the point but further south.  Its a bit dicey though as any error with the kite could have massive consequences - power lines and train lines are not far away.  
It was a fun session in waves, but a bit frustrating fighting folks for waves.  I probably should have gone upwind to near the Cerberus - the waves are quite good up there and no one around.


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