2021 10 24 - Hampton - up down and scary
We all wanted to go to Aspendale but the wind had other things on its mind. Met up with James and Mike for a kite at Hampton. I was somewhat undecided between small kite and big kite - but a lull convinced me the big kite was the go. Probably the right choice but it was a hell of a ride at times. Some fantastic ramps flowing through meant for some big big airs. I pulled a couple of kite loops and got tremendous drift, so much fun. The wind pushed through twice - to the point of almost getting lofted and wondering how the heck to calm things down. Luckily the depower on the kite is amazing, once I made the decision to depower it was all relatively under control. Had a closish call with Mike - I was just focussed on ramps, got up in the air to look to my right and Mike is also jumping beside me. We both were able to pull out fine - thank goodness. Stu came down after a sleep in - looked to be having a ball when we left. Last session I detect...