Forward 360 jump - both sides
Riding blind - right
Unhooked raley
Unhooked backroll kiteloop
Unhooked backroll kiteloop
Toeside forward 360 transition
Jumps with fronthand grabs
Jesus walk
Darkslide - right
Toeside backflip - to heelside, to toeside (left)
Jesus walk
Darkslide - right
Toeside backflip - to heelside, to toeside (left)
Under control
Backroll transition
Backroll transition
Backroll transition - hand in water
Backroll kiteloop - both sides
Backroll to toeside - both sides
Toeside backroll - right
Backroll to toeside - both sides
Toeside backroll - right
Forward 720 jump - left
Forward 360 transition -both sides
Back 360, 720, 1080 jump - left
Back 360, 720 jump - right
Back 360, 720, 1080 jump - left
Back 360, 720 jump - right
Inversed Board rotation with one hand free - both sides
Jumps with backhand Grabs - heel, side, front
Jumps with kiteloops
Board off - back foot
Downloop turns
Darkslide - left
Indy glide - front roll motion, back hand grab
Riding blind - left
Jumps with kiteloops
Board off - back foot
Downloop turns
Darkslide - left
Indy glide - front roll motion, back hand grab
Riding blind - left