
Showing posts from March, 2023

2023 03 25 - Landed the triple

 Momentous day - landed the triple backroll on the preferred side.  After about 13564238 attempts I've finally landed it.  Wrapped. Still struggling to recapture the forward 360 transition with kiteloop so still stuff to work on. Was at Hampton with Stu and Ant.  Great wind.

2023 03 19 - Hampton with Stu in marginal conditions

 First hit out for the new mazda 6 at Hampton beach.  Just enough for the nugget, lots of fun.  Worked on transitions in my weaker direction - clockwise.   Worked out a good backroll - kiteloop to toeside transition on the surfboard, lots of fun and easy.

2023 03 12 - Hampton Nuggest session - death of the garmin

 Getting nice air with the nugget and rotational jumps, but unfortunately the garmin broke off at some stage.  Time for a new one !

2023 03 12 - Hampton with James, Garry and Martin

 Rock solid 20 knots at Hampton so we went up to the sea wall, tried to get the run up and jump happening.  Heaps of small racing boats coming in to juggle around with.  Did some nice high front 360's and landed some back 720s.  Met Martin who is just starting out.

2023 03 11 - Perfect seabreeze at Hampton

 Joined by Garry and Ant.  Kicked in to 20 knots beautifully.  Did a lot of rotations.  not a lot of successful landings though!