2017 04 29 - Aspendale comes through
I woke up to a bit of wind...and it seemed like I could get a westerly session in so I headed straight for Aspendale. It was perfect. About 17-20 knots on the water, enough to let me do some doubles, try unhooked stuff, darkslide, backroll kiteloops and anything else I could think of. Most of them ended in stacks, some of them came off. Backroll kiteloops are now under control, even on the weaker side. I've found I have to delay pulling the trigger on the kiteloop, seems to work better. Also hit some loops while landing jumps, pretty hard landing sometimes though. My heel was a bit sore at the end - don't know whether its just the cold or the landings with loops. Definitely time to reel out the bigger wetsuit, was a bit chilly.
Taz kited down from his house to around gnotuk (and back) and Job joined me on the beach just as I was finishing off.
Taz kited down from his house to around gnotuk (and back) and Job joined me on the beach just as I was finishing off.
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