2017 08 05 - Rosebud to Mt Martha
Kiting weekend - so time for an epic adventure. James and Pete joined me in Rosebud - we hatched plans to cross the bay, or go out to popes eye, but the prevailing wind made a down and back trip from Rosebud to Mt Martha a much more appealing option. Heaps of wind - which seemed to get stronger around safety beach - made it pretty much one tack to get there and back. Still required a bit of perserverance to hold a line and some variation to keep from cramping up.
Interesting shadow figure |
James in the background in the Mt Martha surf |
Nice big stack - they don't all land cleanly - and this one particularly not |
Big rolling swell of safety beach |
Crazy board position - I can't imagine this jump ended well |
Back to rosebud...and ready for a massive lunch |
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