09 Oct 2011 - Kite cleaning

Location : Hampton
Kite : 7m Crossbow
Conditions : 17 to 25 knots south westerly

In the kitesurfing handbook (https://sites.google.com/a/peterskiteboarding.com/kitesurfing-handbook/gear/gear-maintenance) we've recommended cleaning your kite with fresh water a couple of times each season.  Imagine my joy when I had the opportunity today to both have a fun kite and also cleanse my kite - all at the same time.

Wind was very strong when I hit Hampton so I went with the 7m - just in case.  There were a lot of fronts around, it was hitting 25 knots and there was noone else around - so safety first.  Quite a decent bay surf on too !
Once out, the 7m was a bit of a pain - it took me a little while to get used to it again - it flits around so fast - and the wind was at times a little light so I had to work it quite a bit. The water was very brown - so not quite as picturesque as the last couple of sessions.  No real progression but always good to get out and play in the surf.  Fantastic when you can get a session in in the morning too - it sets you up for the rest of the day.


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